

4 min read

Can I Buy A House While Paying Student Loans?

By Wasatch Peaks on September 16, 2019

Q: I graduated college with a huge student loan debt. Since then, I’ve landed a decent job and I’ve been making steady payments toward paying down my loan. Is it possible for me to buy a house while I’m still paying off this debt?

Topics: Student Loans College Mortgage Loans
3 min read

Student Loan Scams

By Wasatch Peaks on February 28, 2019

College students, take note! If keeping up with your coursework, acing your exams and scrambling to hand in every term paper before the deadline weren’t enough, you now have something else to worry about: Student loan scams are on the rise. Scammers know you hate owing tens of thousands of dollars, so they’re quick to offer you an easy — but completely bogus — way to free yourself from that debt. Or, they might falsely claim you owe the feds taxes on your debt. If you’re already stressed about your student loans, that makes you an easy target.

Topics: Student Loans Scams
4 min read

Ready, Set, Go... to College?

By Wasatch Peaks on May 30, 2018

It probably seems like it was just yesterday when your son or daughter had their first day of kindergarten. Now, they’ve just graduated high school and you’re preparing them for the big move to college! While this major milestone in their life is complex and emotional for everyone, the decision to start preparing now will help your family adjust to the transition.

Topics: Student Loans College Teens
